A strange bird, a thieving magpie, a talkative macaw,

a joyous lark, an alarmist raven, a peace dove,

or a conflict anxious ostrich?!

Birds have a significant importance in our expressions.
With the year’s last show STUDIO L2 would like to offer
some bird footprint in the arts.


Stina Eidem

Catharina Günther - Rådström

Lars Jonsson

Claes Jurander

Ravi Nosnahoj

PG Thelander

Sam Westerholm

Petra Westermark

16/11 – 14/12  2013

Tuesday - Friday 12-17  Saturday 12-16


Stina Eidem

Petra Westermark

PG Thelander

Catharina Günter Rådström

Claes Jurander

Ravi Nosnahoj

Lars Jonsson

Sam Westerholm