The apple appears in art as a symbol of love,

fecundity, and temptation, but also of health,

enlightenment, knowledge and power.

Hence have apples been depicted throughout

centuries of art history.

The 70s and 80s apples appear in

PG Thelander’s art - as a series of strict

black and white graphic artwork

(rewarded with the Great Prize at the

Jyväskylä International Triennial 1984).

Fascinated by the share simplicity of the apple,

he also sculpted a number of apples in bronze

and playfully placed one or a few of these on a table.

Now, for the first time the graphic and

sculptural artworks are shown together.

With this expo


wishes to thank the large and trustful audience

of friends and visitors which followed all

Thelander’s expos during the autumn.

You are fantastic!

9 February – 9 March

Tuesday-Friday 12-17 Saturday 12- 16

Vernissage 9 February 13-16
